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Oct 11, 2021
Successful Trial Lawyers are Positive
After more than 40 years of trying lawsuits of every description, I’ve concluded that perhaps the most important quality a successful...

Richard Kerger
Apr 1, 2020
Looking Ahead
As a result of the quarantine, most of us are engaging in a considerable amount of introspection, maybe just some old fashion...

Richard Kerger
Jul 3, 2019
Preparing for Handling Crisis
Your day begins with the sun shining, good news on your favorite TV channel and dinner plans with good friends. Then unbidden and...

Richard Kerger
May 9, 2019
Experience Really Matters
For the past thirty years, the frequency with which businesses are involved in litigation has been declining. This is no doubt...

Richard Kerger
Feb 12, 2019
Headlines from History
I recently read a book entitled “Mr. Five Percent, The Story of the Life of Calouste Gulbenkian.” Gulbenkian was an Armenian who lived...

Richard Kerger
Jul 27, 2018
Trump – What is Going on?
I have been watching the pundits and talking heads go on and on about Trump and his rights. What is surprising is that some of them got...

Richard Kerger
Jul 24, 2018
In Consideration of Judge Brett Kavanaugh
While in local and state elections I vote based on the quality of the people, I have always been a Democrat when it came to national...

Richard Kerger
Mar 27, 2018
The Second Amendment: It's not that complicated.
I am not a legal scholar. Nor do I consider myself the smartest person in any room. But the language of the Second Amendment seems...
Richard Kerger
Mar 9, 2018
What Happened to Reasoned Discourse?
Because I am a trial lawyer, I am regularly engaged in arguments, sometimes fierce arguments, with opposing counsel. I am equally...
Richard Kerger
Jan 17, 2018
Handling the Inevitable Crisis
It's a quiet Fall afternoon when two well-dressed men present themselves to your receptionist announcing they are from the Federal Bureau...
Richard Kerger
Dec 12, 2017
Bitcoin v. the Dollar.
I must confess at the outset that when I first heard about Bitcoins, my skepticsm was overwhelming. Who could possibly put value in an...
Richard Kerger
Dec 5, 2017
Conclusion Leaping from a Distance.
On July 1, 2015, Kathryn Steinle was shot and killed on a pier in San Francisco as she walked with her father. The shot was fired by...
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